
Reasons I Need Therapy Thursday

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Reasons I Need Therapy Thursday

Honestly, it drives me crazy.  And I live no where near the ocean, where I hear it’s worse.  I live on the prairies.  With minimal wind.  But it’s been an abnormally windy spring and summer and I will lose my mind soon.  Wind freaks me out and makes me angry.  I believe there is scientific evidence to back my claims that it can make you mental.

Turning left at an uncontrolled intersections.  
You wait and there’s no one coming on the right, but someone on the left.  Than the opposite.  Then there’s a gap but is it big enough?  Do you risk it?  Are you risking the wrath of the people behind you if you don’t?  What about the guy across from you, is he going to try and go before you?  Ahhhh! (And now you are mentally thinking how annoying of a driver I must be.  I promise, I’m actually not bad.  All this happens in my head with minimal poor driving choices).

When one kid gets sick and no one else does for a few days.  I want to follow the other 2 around with a bucket. Every time they act ‘off’ I ask if they are going to throw up.  Then when I wake up in the night I panic thinking I’m getting sick.  Just.  Get.  It.  Over.  With.

Tornado watches.
I may have mentioned I have a fear of extreme weather.  Well, since I live on the Prairies, I don’t get hurricanes, tsunamis or earthquakes.  I do get tornado’s.  And forest fires.  When it’s really hot out and then all of a sudden there’s a big storm blowing in you have to peel me outta the crawl space with my emergency kit.

– Cooking for Others
I bring meals to others occasionally when they are sick or have a baby.  And then I will spend some portion of the evening petrified I have given them food poisoning.  I have no faith in my own cooking abilities. I apparently don’t care for my family as much because I hardly ever worry about poisoning them.

When my plans get changed out from under me.  If I am really looking forward to anything, be it a small thing like an evening shopping alone, or a big thing like an event or vacation, and it gets screwed around under me, I go completely bat-shit crazy.  I have no tolerance for that.  None. 

Hard truth:  Trees that bend are the ones that survive the wind.

I am working at God’s time for His purposes.
Sometimes, I need to bend.  Actually, all the time I need to bend to His will.
And shockingly, it’s not always going to be what I want it to be.
Trying to stand firm against it will only hurt more.  

Cause the only thing worse than fighting God’s wind in your life is realizing you’ve been fighting it so long you don’t feel it anymore

My continuing lack of acceptance of this lesson could be the reason the actual wind outside makes me so crazy.  That and, you know, the wierd sceincy thing about ions.

Do you like how I threw a lesson into this list.  I actually didn’t plan that.  I learned it while I was typing.  So I decided to share.  Aren’t you lucky?

Oh, and there are more.  Many, many more reasons why I need therapy.  But lets not let you all in on how neurotic I am right from the get-go, shall we? 

What makes you crazy?  ….Come on, no one else feeling crazy will only make me worse……



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  1. Donata | 15th Jul 11

    Your not the only "crazy" one…. but we all have our different quirks! I agree with not liking your plans to change. I can be flexable, but dont tell me I cant do something I have been planning on alreay! But on the other hand, I love storms and scary weather! I dont like knives in the sink when I am washing dishes, nor any dishes left in the sink at anytime, unless being soaked. Also listening to ppl eat… I'd rather start singing, or talking really loudly to cover it up. I just think I have some OCD. LOL Its ok to feel the wind…as its God letting you know he is there! That he is that BIG, but still cares about lil' ol' me! I say bring it, lay it all on the table. Whats the worst that could happen? A little wind, puke, stressful driving, or food poisoning….

    Basically I try to see all fears as something I dont have to give into, or let rule my life. As A person dealing with anxiety, its something I try to live by. With Gods help, its the only way I can get thru and enjoy all the things God has given to me! Love you just the way you are!

  2. PeaceMel | 15th Jul 11

    I think that mental illness is on a continuum. Some people have little quirks and some people just have larger amounts of whatever it is. I have a little of the OCD. I need things to be ordered or I get agitated. Yesterday I saw that one marker was sticking out of the pack on the desk in my classroom and I was like "push it back in line, it can't be just sticking out like that, why why why is it not pushed in line? It's CHAOS!" The fact that the markers weren't in rainbow order was bad enough, but that one out of place marker was stressing me out! I function very well day to day but I have to manage my compulsions. Clearing my work space always helps when I'm feeling super stressed. We are all crazy.

  3. Running Yogi | 15th Jul 11

    Seaweed, lake weed, icky stuff at the bottom of a lake. Out.of.my.mind.nuts.

  4. Liz | 15th Jul 11

    Bosses who like to exert their bossiness – just cause they can. Kids who say "Motherrr" when you ask a question. Basically I am a very calm person. But I have my fears rather than things that make me crazy. Or do my fears make me just as crazy?

  5. Andrea | 15th Jul 11

    Great post! Amazing thoughts!

    Things that make me crazy:

    1. When plans get changed, which seems to happen a lot. Then I get grumpy, then everyone else gets grumpy, and things go from bad to worse. I'm working on that. My husband really gets upset when I didn't tell him my plan and then get mad that it changed. Am I the only one that expects him to read my mind?
    2. When I get really hungry, I'm super mean and more than a little crazy. If I get woken up, sometimes I get that way too.
    3. When the DVR gets really full (like 8 hours of stuff I taped), I have to sit down and watch several hours right then!

    I'm sure there are others, but that seems like a good start.

  6. Alana | 15th Jul 11

    I love when writing something down gives you new insight. Thanks for sharing your lesson. 🙂

  7. trooppetrie | 18th Jul 11

    I so like this, i think i could have written this

  8. Janessa | 18th Jul 11

    Haha I'm a new follower of yours and I love the whole left turn comment. I agree with you completely. I dislike some of the streets around here and those crazy drivers! Maybe I should make a list like this! 🙂 hope you are having a great day!

  9. About A Mom | 18th Jul 11

    Hi! I get pretty freaked out over bad weather too! New follower from the military monday blog hop! I would love for you to stop by http://aboutamom.com to say hi & return follow! 🙂

  10. Julie | 20th Jul 11

    I HATE those left turns. They drive me crazy. But they seem to have so many of them here so I have had to get more use to them.

    And I HATE tornado watches.

  11. Grumpy Grateful Mom | 20th Jul 11

    I don't like left turns at busy intersections either. I avoid them if I can, even driving a few extra miles!

  12. Renee | 20th Jul 11

    My plans seem to get changed for me all the time. So, I've learned to roll with it. Otherwise I'd be crazy all the time. Which I might be anyway. But the left turn thing stresses me out! I always worry that the person waiting behind me is gonna go all road ragey if I don't go or go or wait or AHHHH! STRESS OVERLOAD!

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