
Cold is When You Write About It

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Up here this week, it got a whole lot colder really, really quickly.

To explain again for those of you in the southern USofA, 
Cold is when it’s nearing -50 degrees with the windchill and your exposed skin can get frostbite in less than 10 second.
Cold is when you get a ‘weather warning’ on your phone, and it’s just to tell you that it’s going to be dangrously cold.
Cold is when you can freeze your actual eyeballs  
(okay, so I googled that and you can’t actually do it.  But if you could, you would here this week)
That’s cold.

So, it’s cold here.

And inevitably, people say things like

“I can’t believe how cold it is!”

Really?  You can’t? 

If you moved here from Miami this summer or were born this past year, than you can be excused for thinking that it wouldn’t get this cold.

But if that is not the case, I can’t help but ask

“Were you here last year?  Or every year before that?”

I admit, even I (who tend to take the ‘this is Canada and it gets cold here so suck it up’ road) am willing to admit that -50?  That’s friggin stay inside under the blankets and wait for spring kinda cold.

But, well, cold weather happens here.  It happens every winter.  Sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes it lulls you into a false sense of security  at +5 before biting you in the ass with -35 a day later…. but it happens.

And on my way home today as I was giggling about the silly comments we all make in our ‘shock’ over the cold weather every. single. year…. I couldn’t help but hear God speak to me.

You see, I have spent a few days a little bitchy stressed out.

There’s been some stuff come up lately.  House issues, car issues, parenting issues, money issues….

And I find myself saying things like ‘How can I possibly handle this?  Are we even going to be able to do this without it all going horribly wrong?  How are we going to pay this/worry about that/parent him?

And on my drive today, I think God asked me something.

“Were you not here last year?  Or every year before that?”

And wouldn’t you know it, I was.  I was there in the early years of marriage when I had to wait 3 days to payday to buy milk.  I was there when they put that new baby in my 21 year old arms when I had never even held a baby before.  I was there when Dh left for deployment when I was expecting my third and I was sure I couldn’t do it all alone.

I was there.  He was there.  And we made it.

Like the Israelites in the desert, I had gotten to the place recently where I couldn’t see God past the big Pillar of Fire in front of me.

A few blogs I read, they have a Word for the Year.  What they feel they need to learn, grow, move towards in 2012.

I thought about writing about one.  Then I got distracted…. (SQUIRREL!)

I think my word has been found for me.  


I need to remind myself…

I was here last year. 

And every year before.

And more importantly, so was He.



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  1. Sarah | 18th Jan 12

    this is so true. work completely stopped for my husband this month so we had no idea how we were going to make it. but then we remembered what we went through last January (which was much worse) and realized God got us through that and he will also get us through this.

  2. Erika Perez | 18th Jan 12

    Ah, what a good post. I needed to hear this tonight. (And try to stay warm! 😉 )

  3. Sara Lake | 18th Jan 12

    It's hot, hot, hot here at the moment, and the only 'air con' in the office is a crazy fan that blows my papers around. I also have this thing with people that say 'It's just tooo hot, Oh my god, it's so hot, isn't it HOT? Don't you think it's toooo hot today?'. It's like.. wait, just let me turn down the thermostat for the weather, so that you can stop annoying my ears with your whining. x

  4. Andrea Ward | 18th Jan 12

    So is that -50 degrees Celsius or Farenheit. Just curious. I don't think I could survive either one.

    As to the rest, wow! I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed by our goal to pay off a lot of debt this year, but we have been in worse places and gotten out of them. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. The New "Normal" | 18th Jan 12

    Good word choice. Trust is such a hard one, especially in hard time. But it is such a good one to remember becuase yes, He is there if we just trust Him to carry us through. I feel the same as you, the same struggles as the years before and wondering how in the world we're going to do it. But trusting in God to see us through is so important to remember, thank you for the reminder 🙂

    (And I totally laughed out loud at the "squirrel" comment. I needed a good laugh:)

  6. Stephanie | 19th Jan 12

    What does it say about me that I had to read that paragraph twice before I understood that "squirrel" wasn't your word for this year? Ha! Trust is a lovely word.

  7. RecceWife | 19th Jan 12

    So true, Sarah

  8. RecceWife | 19th Jan 12

    Ha! I'll try! And thanks 🙂

  9. RecceWife | 19th Jan 12

    Ha! Ya. That is equally as annoying. I think Dennis Leary wrote a song about that….. 😛

  10. RecceWife | 19th Jan 12

    That was -50 celcius, which Google tells me is -58 Ferenheit. Sigh. I was hoping it would sound warmer in Ferenheit!

  11. RecceWife | 19th Jan 12

    Haha, ya. I'm like a small easily distracted dog……

  12. RecceWife | 19th Jan 12

    Heehee, well, at least I got your attention…….. 🙂

  13. Kendra | 19th Jan 12

    Amen, my frozen sister, AMEN! We hit -51 a few days ago. That is WRONG cold. Hubby's plane (flying out on TDY) had to try to fuel 4 times before it was successful. The dumb fuel truck lines kept freezing. CRAZY!

  14. Skinniepiggie | 20th Jan 12

    Brrrrrrrrrrrr….. that's super cold! And trust is a good word… I didn't pick a word… hmmmm….

  15. Tara | 20th Jan 12

    I just wanted to let you now that I have given you the Versatile Blogger Award.


  16. Brittany Overbeck | 20th Jan 12

    Had to find you to see where in the world you lived that it would be -44! Yikes! I will now recant everything I said about it being cold this morning on my walk. 🙂 Timely reminder about trust, as well. Stay warm!

  17. RecceWife | 20th Jan 12

    Didja find me? Good old Canadian Praries! I try to have sympathy for those of you in warmer climate when you dicuss your cold…. but I don't really feel bad for you 😉

  18. Hoolieana | 20th Jan 12

    Now I can't say Massachusetts is nearly as cold as Canada, but I HATE when people do that. More importantly, I hate when they suddenly forget how to drive in snow and cold weather like they haven't had to do it since the day they got their license.

  19. RecceWife | 24th Jan 12

    oooo, that is a huge pet peeve of mine! There's snow like 3/4 of the year here (that's a slight exaggeration, but not by much…) why do people treat every snowfall like they've never seen the stuff!?

  20. RecceWife | 24th Jan 12

    Thanks, I'll have to check that out!

  21. RecceWife | 24th Jan 12

    You totally should!

  22. RecceWife | 24th Jan 12

    You are right. All kinds of WRONG cold!

  23. Toloveasoldier | 27th Jan 12


    Oh my, Kim. You have NO IDEA how much this spoke to me. No idea. Thank you for sharing it.

    And it was 50 degrees here yesterday … +50 degrees I mean. ; )

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