
How to plan for an event (as a military spouse)

  So there’s an event coming and you’re looking forward to it!  Awesome!  I love having something on the horizon that makes me happy. But wait?  Is your spouse in the military?  Then lets back it up there a second.  This is going to take some planning. I am 100% convinced that when Dh has a course or exercise coming up, the powers that be look at the roster of soldiers on it and say ‘find out their spouse’s birthdays/anniversaries/vacations and see how many you can cram into the time we have to plan for.’  Dh assures me no one has the time and/or real desire to pull this off.  I disagree.  But that’s not the point. The point is, if you have an event coming up that you’d like to enjoy, you may need to make a few plans so you can really be sure it turns out. Plan to be alone for it. Dh absolutely hates the fact that I plan literally every aspect of our lives as though he’s not home.  But you know what?  Then if he is home, I’m super thrilled, and if he’s not home, I’m far less homicidal (please note I said less).  So it’s win/win.     2.   Plan and 2nd, 3rd and 4th date. Say it’s date night. Or a romantic weekend.  Or say, your honeymoon.  Those are things you have to plan his being home for, I understand.  So go ahead and have a backup plan.  Or 5.  You think I’m kidding?  I know people on their 4th wedding date.      3. Learn to love the last minute getaway. I loath advance planning…