
At Least The Barracks Box Goes With Him

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Sometime last month in our kitchen, this conversation took place…

“Hey babe, they are asking if I want to go on *Insert bad-ass GI JOE sounding name* Course in October.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“I would be leaving the day after I get home from fall training ex.”

“I runs almost 2 months”


“It means I’d be gone for about 10 weeks this fall.”

“So…. what do you think?”

“I think it sounds exactly like something you would like to do.”
“It is.”

“So I think you should go ahead and do it while you have the opportunity.  It’s just 10 weeks.”

“Really?  I love you.  You are the best wife ever.  Truly.  I should buy you shiny things and do the laundry more often.”

(Warning… final sentence is interpreted as what I heard, not necessarily what was said.)

So yesterday and today, as it looked like the Army threw up in our living room, as kit was packed and all those little notebook thingies were written, I realized that in about 10 days, someone will need to remind me of my absolute coolness as  wife.  So I put it here for you, so you may read my ‘ugh this sucks’ post that I am sure will be coming in a month or so…

..lets not kid ourselves, by 10 a.m. tomorrow…

..and remind me that I said,

“Sure babe.
That sounds like a great opportunity.  I know you don’t HAVE to (this time) but I think you should.  Because I know deep down you want to.”

Because that look you had when you said it reminded me how much you love what you do and reminded me that I made a commitment.  I have supported you, from your side, from across the country and from across the world. And I will do it again each time you need me to.

Feel free to remind me all of this.  It sounds like good, quality supportive stuff right?  That’s cause he hasn’t left yet.

So remind me when he has.  But bear in mind that does not mean that I don’t reserve the right to have a hissy fit about it at least once.

(While you’re here, check out “To Love A Soldier” who was kind enough to add me to her “Different Perspectives” bloggers)



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  1. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Thank you!

  2. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Ha! Well, I've had much experience saying goodbye regularly. So it gets easier to fake like it's no biggie 🙂 And thank you, don't mind if I do!

  3. Skinniepiggie | 31st Oct 12

    You have all the right in the world to throw a hissy fit.

  4. Corrie_goertzen | 31st Oct 12

    We had a similar conversation, but he doesn't have to go, didn't get on the course. So you have the right to throw all the hissy fits in the world. At least your right, his mess goes with him, that's the only thing I like 🙂

  5. Stephanie | 31st Oct 12

    I think you're absolutely entitled to hissy fits, far more than one! Being a military wife isn't easy. Being supportive is important, but so is being honest and cutting yourself some slack. And honestly…he might be a bit suspicious if you weren't at least a little bit sad-slash-mad that he was leaving. Ha!

  6. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Thank you! I think it was only fair I gave fair warning 🙂

  7. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Yes! The Barrack Box that's been in my front room since he was on IRU like 9 months ago? Ya, it just left for the first time yesterday. I might eventually miss it, but he probably won't be gone long enough to start missing the mess.

  8. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Very true! I tell him he's lucky that I love him enough to be so painfully honest about how much it sucks when he's gone. I like to run the fine line so that he is always thinking 'yes, she will be okay but I owe her so very many shiney gifts when I return'

  9. Jane | 31st Oct 12

    I so agree with you. I want to support my husband in everything and anything he wants to do, but, it doesn't mean we miss them any less when they're gone. I hope those 10 weeks go as quickly as possible. Hugs!

  10. Kim | 31st Oct 12


  11. Praising mom | 31st Oct 12

    I will be praying for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Alana | 31st Oct 12

    Ok, you are the best wife ever. I wish I could say I would've done the same thing. Your husband is a lucky man! (And you go ahead and throw those hissy-fits. You're entitled.)

  13. Kerry | 31st Oct 12

    Well. You're alot more supportive than me lol. Hope the 10 weeks goes by fast for you! And yes, you can have a hissy fit 😉

  14. Sandra | 31st Oct 12

    I'm so jealous! I miss being a military wife! If you start regretting your words, send me a tweet, I'll quickly remind you of the reasons why being without hubss for small extended periods of time is good for a marriage! 🙂

  15. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    nonono, I just SOUNDS more supportive. It is very easy to sound supportive on the internet. The reality is much less inspiring 🙂

  16. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Ha! You are right. It is very, very good. After 10 years of military marriage 'bliss', when he's home it only takes a few weeks before I start asking why there isn't some country SOMEWHERE that doesn't need saving. Like soon. 🙂

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