
Someone Has to Keep Those Kraft Workers Employed….

I feel you judging me. You foodie mommies out there who grow your own organic gardens and who have toddlers who eat quiche for breakfast and their nutrient-rich green veggies at dinner. You pack extravagant lunches for your kids that you made from scratch the night before and at dinner  they plow through their spaghetti made with squash and mashed zucchini. Then you look over at my kids lunch and you silently (or not so silently) judge my parenting skills. Well BRING IT ON. Do you think I haven’t TRIED to cook my children something new and different.  Do you think I refuse to serve them anything else and and thereby am stunting their growth and probably dooming them to a life of menial labour as their poorly fed brains cannot handle anything else?  Ya, I thought so. Okay, maybe your not as judgemental as I think you are.  Maybe it is mostly my own embarrassment at my children’s eating habits that leads me to be maybe slightly a little bit defensive.  Truth is, I know many great moms who are also ‘foodies’ and who’s kids sit and much on cucumbers while mine eat their cookies.  But there are those out there who, for some reason, feel that it is their duty to show me the error of my ways and how ‘easy’ it would be to make the switch to healthier food for my little ones. Which leads me to a few questions. Have you ever tried to serve, day after day, week after week, different and exciting, time consuming meals to a group of children who will fight, scream and otherwise flat out refuse to eat it?  Every.  Single…