
Because Love Is Worth Missing Sometimes

So I was going to save this post for my tenth anniversary this spring. But there has been some bitching about my lack of blog posting.  And I have been thinking about it a lot.  So here it is. I did it for 2 of the kids, I will do one for the 3rd on his birthday in a couple weeks, but for now, here is my hubby.  As seen by me.  I consider it a blessing he couldn’t grow a beard if he tried. I have many people ask me what dh means.  I use it a lot.  It serves several purposes for me – it’s habit, it’s short, it stops me from using his name when I am not comfortable, and well, honestly I forget I even do it. Years ago when I was a new military spouse, there was a term DW that referred, not always in a good way, to the Devoted Wife at home, the one who they didn’t have to worry about, who was like another piece of kit, given to the soldiers when they enlisted to watch the kids and the house while he’s away.  It was a throwback to the saying ‘If the Army wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one‘.  So many of the wives I knew, started using the term DH to describe their hubbies.  I believe then it means Devoted Husband.  Though I have been emailed guesses anywhere from Darling Husband to D*mn husband.  And really, I suppose then it depends on the day. We met in middle school.  We ‘dated’ for a year at 13-14…