
maybe I could dance with you….

Sooo, this post is not about marriage.  My marriage or anyone else’s really. It is about promises.  And a song I really like. I really like this song. It’s not really my type of music, kinda sappy, kinda slow, I am more of a Reliant K girl than a Michael Buble or whatever his name is type. But for obvious reasons, the beginning sounds a lot like my marriage.  I read that Andrew Peterson wrote it in a spare room after a big fight with his wife.  Note to men – writing a beautiful song to your wife that makes it to the radio is an excellent way to apologise.  Just saying. Either way, I find it touching and it makes me teary.  My dh, on the other hand, can’t get past the chorus about dancing in minefields.  “This is just a dumb idea” he says.  “Why would you encourage people to do that?”, Sigh. The fact that it’s a metaphor (or a simile?  I can’t even spell simile so I will stick with metaphor), or that most people listening to the song have no direct experience with land mines – totally irrelevant to him.  But I digress. I have had this song on my mind for the past few weeks, mostly because the Christian station here plays a lot of the same music over and over.  But the plus side to Christian radio – no Nickleback.  Just saying, you might want to consider switching. The more I hear this song, the more I hold onto the idea. “And it was harder than we dreamed but I believe that’s what the…