
Everyone Needs Strawberries in Chocolate Tuxes!

One month from today will be my 10 year Wedding Anniversary. That means that exactly 10 years ago, I was finishing college exams and putting the finishing touches on the ridiculous dream wedding that was coming fast.  I had just turned 20.  I had no idea what I was doing.  I was excited and naive and spoiled and immature.  I had lots of ideas of what life would be like and even more about what my wedding day would look like. I would like to write a letter to me, 10 years ago, and let me know what was and wasn’t important. Dear Me ver. 2001 This month will be busy.  You are excited and nervous and for the most part acting like a spoiled brat.  Since I am 10 years older and so very much more mature, there are some things I have decided you should know: 1. Breathe.  You can stress out making place cards and finding the perfect Guest Book until you are blue in the face.  People are going to sit where they want.  You are going to misplace the guestbook and you won’t even realize it’s gone.   2. I have no idea what possessed you to think singing at your own wedding was a good idea.  You can practice all you want, you can’t sing.  You will sound terrible.  You will cry partway through which will only make it worse.  3.  Do it anyway. 4.  In the end, he will feel worse about the bachelor party than you do right now.   Let it go.  5.   You are beautiful.  You don’t think you are, but you are.  And most importantly, he thinks you are.  So lay off the tanning bed before you give 40 year old…