
Reasons I Need Therapy Thursday

Reasons I Need Therapy Thursday – Wind.   Honestly, it drives me crazy.  And I live no where near the ocean, where I hear it’s worse.  I live on the prairies.  With minimal wind.  But it’s been an abnormally windy spring and summer and I will lose my mind soon.  Wind freaks me out and makes me angry.  I believe there is scientific evidence to back my claims that it can make you mental. – Turning left at an uncontrolled intersections.   You wait and there’s no one coming on the right, but someone on the left.  Than the opposite.  Then there’s a gap but is it big enough?  Do you risk it?  Are you risking the wrath of the people behind you if you don’t?  What about the guy across from you, is he going to try and go before you?  Ahhhh! (And now you are mentally thinking how annoying of a driver I must be.  I promise, I’m actually not bad.  All this happens in my head with minimal poor driving choices). – When one kid gets sick and no one else does for a few days.  I want to follow the other 2 around with a bucket. Every time they act ‘off’ I ask if they are going to throw up.  Then when I wake up in the night I panic thinking I’m getting sick.  Just.  Get.  It.  Over.  With. – Tornado watches. I may have mentioned I have a fear of extreme weather.  Well, since I live on the Prairies, I don’t get hurricanes…