
I Thought I Loved Him

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Today my DH turns 30 years old.  That’s right, 6 months after my big 3-0.  I’ve heard nothing but obnoxious comments the whole time, too, so it’ll be nice to be back on even playing field again.

Now 30 is not old, per say, but I met him when we were 13.
Not many wives have been around their husbands long enough or early enough to have ‘grown up’ together.  But we can. 

13 years ago when we started dating, I thought he was pretty great.  But I have to say that was only a fabulous preview of who he is now.  Last year, I wrote this post about him.  It is called “Because Love is Worth Missing Sometimes“.  And it still is.  I still mean every word.  Being his wife is one of my many undeserved blessings.

If I think back to the 19 year old man I married, back when we still paid as much in car insurance as we did rent because if his age, back when he could still eat a whole pizza himself and back when he was much more convinced of his own invincibility… it seems like he is so much different now.

Looking at the pictures of us on his 18th birthday, pictures when he left for Basic Training, pictures from our wedding day, we look so much younger.

Don’t get me wrong.  He still can’t grow a beard if he tried and he still has an amazing babyfaced smile that makes my heart melt.

But we’re not the young kids on the block anymore.  There was a time when everywhere we went we got comments of ‘oh, I can’t believe you’re so young!….’

We don’t get that anymore.

And some days I feel bad. When DH was scraping together enough money in our joint account to pay bills and put a house together for his new bride who just graduated college and had no money, his friends were all spending their nights at the clubs and their money however they wanted.  When the guys his age got back from their first tour, they all got big TVs and fancy cars with their expendable income while DH bought a house for his new baby boy.  While they were away they got to travel the world on R&R’s while on DH’s last tour he got home 20 hours before Monster was born.

He’s lived the life of marriage, diapers and minivans way longer than most at his age.  And when you ask him, he only says he would do it all again.  He never once complained, that whole time.  He did it out of love and with a smile and never once made me feel like it was not exactly where he wanted to be in life.

Sitting at a party the other day a guy DH had been on his first tour with told a story about how those in his crew back then would harass him by explaining since he was the young guy who just got married and had a baby on the way, in the movies he would be the first to die.  Apparently they bugged him about it enough that he eventually got a little freaked out.  (It’s amazing what they think is funny in the middle of a desert).

After leaving that party, I realized that if this WAS a movie, he is no longer that guy.  In fact, he is much closer to being that grisly Sargent with the ‘been there, done that’ attitude.  You know, the one who by the end of the movie has made a heroic move to sacrifice himself to save his younger men.  (I also made the realization that there is no ‘safe’ character to relate to in a war movie.)

And still,  I have never once heard him complain.  He still looks at me in a moment of complete frustration with life and manages to assure me that he wouldn’t have it any other way.

And as a reminder of the type of guy he is, a few weeks ago we went shopping for his new combat boots.  He had been looking up the ones he wanted for weeks online and talking to guys about what they like.  You realize, he wears these boots from between 8-24 hours a day, some weeks 7 days a week.  He deserves the best he can find.  (And the older he gets, the more ankle support he needs.  Just saying, he’s not getting any younger.)

Well, recently I have also lost weight and have been in sad need of new clothes.
So when we went shopping, even though I hadn’t said a word to him about it, he knew I had in the back of my mind that I would like to look for a couple  pairs of pants while we were out.  He also knew that after I had convinced him to spend the $250 on the boots he really wanted, I banished those thoughts right away since we just didn’t have the money left. 

The next day he called me from work.  On his lunch break he had gone and exchanged the boots for a pair that were $75 cheaper.  His message just said “It’s already done.  I’ll be fine.  Don’t argue.  Get pants.”

That’s love.  And an amazing husband, both at 19 and now, at 30.

 Okay, so we’re away on vacation and I had to troll facebook to find a picture of him back then.  But there he is in the back at 19 years old, nothing shiny on his uniform but the buttons.

And this year.  His uniform has gotten a lot shiner to off-set the desert sand induced wrinkles 🙂

I heard this country song (and I’m not a country fan, so it’s saying something that I listened to the whole thing) called “Then”
 And even though he likes country almost as much as I do, it’s my song for him today.

And now you’re my whole life
now you’re my whole world
I just can’t believe the way I feel about you
We’ll look back someday, at this moment that we’re in
And I’ll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then

Happy birthday DH.  I thought I loved you at 17.  I had no idea how good it would get by 30.   I can”t wait to see how good it gets.



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  1. Anonymous | 6th Aug 11

    Can't believe how mature you two seemed to be at such at young age. I know I sure wasn't anywhere near that maturity level, I had a lot of figuring out to do at that age still.
    I love how in love you two seem, it's very endearing and it makes me want to jump on my husband and profess my love for him. Thank you for sharing your story, I hope your beautiful kiddies will be lucky enough to find what you and Nathan have, at least though, even if they don't, they'll benefit in so many other ways coming from such a loving home 🙂

  2. Janey | 6th Aug 11

    I read this and went back and read your Love is Worth Missing post. You're making my heart melt this morning! I feel bad that the guys my husband deployed with all put their wives on "allowances" so they could buy new trucks and TVs when they get home. While my husband is not a giant douche which means we aren't going to have money for that stuff. We are paying off the cheap car we already have, and building up savings. Which I know is smarter, but I feel bad because he deserves those things the other guys will be getting (probably more so again for not being a giant douche lol).

  3. Alana | 6th Aug 11

    This is beautiful! (And so is your other post). I love your love story! It's so nice to see someone who married young and is even more in love after all the years.

  4. KERRY | 7th Aug 11

    Wow. Beautiful post, after reading this I was hooked, a little bit close to tears, but hooked 🙂
    I'm your newest follower, looking forward to getting to know you!!
    What a beautiful love story……

  5. Julie | 9th Aug 11

    What a sweet post. It made me cry (in a good way.) I met my husband when I was 22. I am 32 now and when I look at pictures of us I think how much older we are now. But also that we have gone through the last 10 years together. It is such a great feeling.

  6. Amanda | 13th Aug 11

    I love this post & how you think your the old folks on the block now. I often look around at the families my soldier & I have surrounding us , only to feel the same way. We meet later then most Army Brides at the ripe old age of 21 & 22-lol But have been married 15 years already. Not sure where the time went, but the stories I could tell of the gruff old SGT are funny! I also agree that no character in a War Movie is ever the one you want to be!

  7. chambanachik | 31st Oct 12

    Okay, I definitely cried reading this. What a beautiful romance.

  8. Christina'Marie | 31st Oct 12

    I LOVE this song! And how amazingly sweet of him to do that for you… I melt! Thanks for stopping by:) Hope you come by again and enter the giveaway I have going on. <3 C'M

  9. Jane | 31st Oct 12

    Aww. I love this post. Happy (way) belated birthday to you both.

  10. Alana | 31st Oct 12

    I smiled when I saw which post you linked up. I remember reading it before, and I think I teared up! Thanks for sharing…again. 🙂

  11. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    I will keep stopping in, thanks for visiting 🙂

  12. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Thanks! It's an old one but it seemed to fit with Alana's theme. I think next time I'll actually write something new 🙂

  13. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    heehee, well, thanks for the opportunity. I love your adorable newlywed ideas! And next time, I'll actually write something new 🙂

  14. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Awe, thanks! He is pretty great 🙂

  15. Mallorie Owens | 31st Oct 12

    I teared up while reading this and cried when I saw the video you chose…I always get emotional hearing that song. That's how Dave and I feel, we love each other a little more every day 🙂 Beautiful post, thanks for sharing!

  16. Carol Tomalty | 13th Feb 14

    Nice post! I even listened to the whole song. 🙂

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