
Everything Better When I Didn’t Have To Cook It

So as Canadian Thanksgiving comes around this weekend, I am reminded of how most of the people who read this blog are American and have to wait another month for Turkey!  And I realize I kinda like our Thanksgiving, it’s farther away from Christmas, more time to digest the meal and forget about how much you ate before the holidays start. But mostly, I remember that despite my whining and occasional completely uncalled for hissy fit, I have so very much to be grateful for. There are obvious blessings.  A roof over my head, food on my table, an awesome marriage and 3 great kids. But there are many other things I am learning to give thanks for. The Bible teaches us to love our enemies, because anyone can love their friends.  I believe in a less obvious way, it also teaches us to be thankful for the things that don’t look like blessings right away.  Cause everyone can give thanks when it’s clear we have been blessed, but it’s harder to find the blessings in the difficult moments. This Thanksgiving weekend, like the one before it last year and, well, most others before that, DH is not home. You (I) would think this isn’t a blessing.  And I’m notsomuch grateful for his absence.  I would love to be all together, to invite friends who don’t have family around over the holidays, cook a big dinner and fill our weekend with fun family activities that include DH. Instead it’ll be just me and kidlets and while I could cook a turkey, well, I really don’t want to spend that kind of time only to listen to…