
What I learned before 5am

So I have these friends… And lately, things kinda really a whole lot suck for them. I wish they were closer.  I could bring over chocolate and coffee and just BE their friend.  But  a while back they followed God’s call somewhere else.  It makes the suck that much…. suckier. (I should really invest in a thesaurus.) I was thinking about these friends while I was running this past week. Lately, I’ve been getting up really, really early to run.  I have no idea why the time change had the opposite effect on me than it should have, but I get up earlier than I ever did before. Last Friday, I was up before the clock hit 5. That’s right, my alarm was set to a time that started with a 4. How sick is that? But I need to get out and back before my hubby leaves for work.  And apparently I decided to start that habit the week DH had to be at work a little earlier than usual.  So to be home for him to leave at 6, I needed to be out the door before 5. It’s a different little town I live in before 5 a.m. Dead silent. Dark. But not the 8p.m. dark when it still feels like the light is lingering even though it’s long gone.  5am dark is even darker.  It’s the dark with the anticipation of the sunrise that’s still a couple hours away. I wanted to share with my friends what I have learned on these early morning runs.  And just for fun, lets share that with you, too. My big epiphany…