
Now, if only I could sing….

So, I randomly at the recommendation of others, download music to run to. I rarely listen to the radio or watch TV, so I never know any new music.  If they don’t play it in Spin class or while I’m at the grocery store, chances are I haven’t heard it.  So my repertoire of music written after 1999 is generally techno and elevator music. So I usually google running music and download what people suggest.  Then if I don’t like it, I just delete it.  Eventually.  More likely, I never get around to deleting it and then get annoyed with myself every time I’m out and have to listen to it again. Well, for some bazaar reason, someone recommended a country song.  And it’s really more of a love song, not a very fast song… I have no idea why they recommended it for running. And truth is I have heard it before, vaguely, it’s Lady Antebellum (which I never understood, it’s not just one chick that’s the name of the whole band?).  I don’t generally listen to country music, but this one is decent, as far as the whole genre goes.  It came on my headphones on my run this morning, and while I was thinking of things I needed to get done as this week DH heads training for several weeks, I couldn’t help but think that while the song is all well and good, their reasons for needing their love differ from mine on a daily basis. Sure, I can be all romantic and such, but I am pretty sure I would write the song differently…