
An Ode to an Imperfect House

This week, fancy pictures, slide shows and virtual tours set to music made their way on this Internet in an effort to sell our home. Our Realtor came and looked around, decided the ‘market value’ and all the things he could write about on MLS.  Then he sent a photographer to come and take pictures.  And voila, just like that, our home is out there, showcasing it’s best features for the world to see and (hopefully) someone to want.  Quickly.  Anytime now.  That would be great. But the ‘features’ of our home could be up for debate.  While I won’t argue that new paint and wainscoting and laminate floors are all well and good, none of my favorite things about my house are listed. 9 years ago right before DH left for his first tour in Afghanistan, we found out we were expecting.  We lived in this tiny little PMQ at the time and it just wasn’t going to cut it with a baby.  Base housing was phasing out to a civilian company so an upgrade was not in our future, we started looking to buy a house. We had virtually no money and it seemed a loss cause as we looked at places in the city.  Then another soldier DH worked with let him know they were selling their place.  We could afford this place, it was a starter sized home out of the city in a little town.  The best part was they wanted to move out when they returned from tour, which was when we wanted to move in.  Perfect! We never even had a Realtor or looked at another place.  We walked through…