
Read This eBook (maybe for free!)

I’m starting to get over the embarrassment of saying ‘this person I know on Twitter’…. But seriously, this person I know on Twitter, she has a book out. It’s called ‘Falling For Your Madness’ by Katharine Grubb And the other day, after seeing her post about it, I went ahead and downloaded it onto my Kindle. I thought, what the heck.. It’s $4!  I can support this independent author and add to my library. So then this morning, I’m sitting with my tea and opening a book I’m not super into but trying to finish anyways, and I remember I bought this one So I start. I’m not a ‘romance’ reader.  I tend to like crime drama and thrillers and such, but I thought, hey, lets give it a try.  It’s got to be better than what I’m reading now! And friends, several hours later and much neglected work and I’m done. It was adorable!  It’s quirky and completely different from the most popular type of romance out there now (the ones about colours and such). I’m not going to summarize.  You can read that on the Goodread’s site.  I’ll just say it made me heart happy and let me escape for a morning instead of stressing about the upcoming dentist appointment. And so, because this book 1.  made me happy and 2. supported an independent writer who needs to get noticed I decided to let you all know about it! You can check out Katharine Grubb’s Goodreads page where you can buy the book for $4 (which…