
Because You Can’t Photograph ‘Strong’

It seems like as a culture, we can’t do anything halfway. Or even reasonably. We are all ‘EVERYTHING THIS WAY” until we find a new way, and then we are all EVERYTHING THAT WAY. And the whole ‘Everything in Moderation’ or ‘Let’s just try a little of this’ gets thrown out the window for  ‘DO IT ALL!  GO TOO FAR!’. The newest trend is ‘Strong is the new Skinny‘. And for the record, I love the concept. Let’s not push ourselves to be as skinny as we can be, let’s try to be as strong as we can be. Awesome, I’m on board. Except, wouldn’t that theory mean that we’d see less unattainable, photo shopped or otherwise perfect photos?  Wouldn’t that mean we would see more goals about how far you can ride your bike or how fast you can run or how good you feel or how much more your body can do whether your goal is keeping up with your kids or keeping up with the Boston Marathon? But it doesn’t mean that and we’re not seeing that. All it means is instead of seeing extremely thin models in airbrushed poses, we see extremely muscular models in airbrushed poses. And instead of dieting it’s about eating clean and instead of starving it’s about exercise and weight lifting and ‘fitspiration’.  Which is healthier when done right.  And I am a proponant of eating clean and exercising.  I work hard at it every day. But lately, fitspiration is starting to feel just as shaming as ‘thinspiration&#8217…