
The Worst Race Recap Ever (And the Communities I Love)

Yesterday was the Canada Army Run. I’ve never raced one before, I didn’t register in time after we moved to the area last year, so this year I registered as soon as I could to be sure I would have the chance. It’s 22 000 people who run and walk either 5km or 21km, inspired by the Canadian Army. And, well, I have a soft spot for the Canadian Army so I wanted to take part at least once. It’s very similar in set up and location to the Ottawa Race Weekend where I ran the half last May.  So I was feeling slightly less panicky than usual about the logistics of the race since I had a general idea of what to expect.  I have some family in Ottawa and my wonderful Auntie was letting the kids and I crash at her place and babysat them for me.  Not just once, but twice, since the opportunity came up at the last minute to meet a friend for coffee on the Saturday night after I arrived my aunt even put the kids to bed for me when I snuck out. I slunk back in the door around 10.  I already knew this was a very different race than I had run in May.  This was my 3rd Half Marathon race this year.  I was getting complacent from the runner who guarded her nutrition and went to bed at 9 last spring.  I also wasn’t out to race because, well, we went over that.  I just wanted to finish at a decent time and enjoy the experience.  And I didn’t want the race to stop other experiences, like the chance…