
War is Over (And I’m Not Ready To Reflect)

Canada’s war effort in Afghanistan ends this week. It seems like it really ended a while ago.  In 2011 the combat portion of our commitment to the war ended, and since DH is a combat soldier, that was when it all changed for us. But this week, this week we are going to hear all the opinions as the ‘last’ Canadian soldiers come home. I say ‘last’ because there are still some there.  And still some heading there.  And I hate that those families will watch these ‘Final Homecomings’ on TV while wondering why they don’t apply to them.  And for the next 6 months or however long their loved one is deployed, they will answer to everyone as they say to them ‘but I thought the war was over?’ If you watch any TV or read any news, you will see the mini reports and the specials about what it has all meant. And you might, I won’t assume you will but you might do as as many, many others have over the past while, and ask us what we think of it all. And if you do there’s a good chance that because it will take me a while to respond, you will probably tell me how I feel. You will tell me how thrilled I must be now, knowing that it’s “all over”. You might even tell me that you ‘Support the Troops‘ but are happy that this war, that never should have started, is all done so that we can move on. And that’s funny, because I was there in 2001 when those planes hit and many of…