
Postings, Timings, and Finding Home

Yesterday, posting season sucked. I have had here one those friends that ‘s been around more than one posting.  She moved here with her family a year before us and was our first home cooked meal, friendly face and emergency contact on all those forms when we got settled. Our families shared a common bond not only through the place we had come from, but our experiences with war and our spouse’s Combat trades that can seem a little out of place and even a little alienating at a Logistics base. With her here when we arrived our kids had instant friends, our Christmas’s didn’t have to be completely alone and when you are two families who were blessed with each other during a time when both are plane rides away from family, I didn’t ever take for granted what it meant to have them here. But since she arrived a year before me, she heads out this year to another place for her family to call home. I can’t count how many times her family has been our family, her husband has been Dh’s sanity and her kitchen has been my refuge. I’m going to miss her. Goodbyes are hard, but I never do goodbyes anyways. See you later, my friend. Do me a favour and head over to Wives of Faith to read my post on Postings, Timings and what it means to look for home. Let me know your thoughts on how you make peace with wherever you are for however long you’re there. Find the post HERE…