
Independence and Support

“So, who’s *your* support network?” I was talking to another military spouse in church and after explaining the ways I had meddled got involved with the various services during this deployment to support other spouses, this wasn’t the question I was expecting. At this stage in my life, I enjoy being the nosy overbearing support for other spouse’s.  I’ve spent more than my share of time being the one supported over the years.  I try to be the one to organize the events, to contact the lady on the message board who feels alone, to bring a meal or a babysitter or an ear to someone who’s struggling.  I like ensuring that someone is getting their snow cleared or that there’s a regular coffee time for others to make new friends.  These things make my heart happy.  They are why I run a Spouse’s Night Out group, why I drive onto base a couple times a week from my house 20 minutes away. For the most part, they are why I run this blog. “Who’s YOUR support network?” Well, I don’t really need one, do I?  This is our 4th deployment. I mean, if there was an emergency I’m pretty loud empowered.  If I thought about it I know who I could call if I needed to.  I can make Christmas happen, I can plan an HLTA, I can attend school meetings and work a Power of Attorney and sell a house. I know my acronyms and I can yell at deal with Brookfield.  I know when it’s free to send packages and I know…