
Pre-Deployment and the Clone A Willy

Yes, you heard that right. So to start, let’s get it out of the way that while there’s nothing explicit on this page, it’s still geared to 18+. Continue at your own risk.   I get a lot of emails from companies looking to have me promote their products. Some emails are particularly bad “Dear, Mrs. Fiarce, after reading your website I know your readers would love to know more about our criminal pardon service….” Most are pretty standard, a lot are for only for Americans, the majority have never actually read a word on the site…. in the end, because I have never had a monetized site (I don’t make any money if people click on this blog) I have never done sponsored or paid ads so I never click on those emails. Then this fall, I got an email from a company called “Clone A Willy“. They got my attention. And the more I read their pitch, the more I laughed, and justified that this would be a hilarious part of a pre-deployment tool box, so to speak, so I emailed them back and actually took them up on their offer to receive a complimentary box of products. You guys. They were crazy fun to deal with, they had my items to me really quickly even with a mistake on my end that meant they had to ship twice, and I ended up the proud owner of a Clone a Willy kit, a Clone a Pussy kit, and a bunch of hilarious swag. I’ll be giving that away over on the She is Fierce FB community group. Now when these arrived, my family was knee deep in pre-deployment mode. Dh…