
I’ve Always Hated That Bus

*Disclaimer: the dates of these events and information of this post, including the date of publication, has been changed or delayed for security purposes* Today I felt the change in my face when you told me. We were at the gym and you grabbed me on a quick second, I know you’d been waiting all day and this was the first time I had seen you since the morning.  You said ‘I’m going‘ and my eyes blinked and hardened.  I swallowed and I know my entire expression changed.  It changed to be expressionless, that was the entire design and my superpower.  The ability to remove expression and emotion and take in what I needed to hear without drama or fear. I have a lot of practice with it. * Today as I walked out of my evening class my phone confirmed what I already knew.  We were going down this road for the 4th time.  I stared at it a while.  Someone behind me asked where you were.  They joked with me about how eager you were to get out and do your job.  I smiled and agreed that it was who you were, I joked that you were pretty lucky that I loved you enough to put up with it.  I was laughing when I got in the car. When I pulled out of the parking lot I was already crying. But only until I pulled onto our street so the kids wouldn’t see. * Today you prepared your uniform for the changes you would need while you are gone.  We went for coffee and I made you a list of what I need done before you left.  It’s all business of home improvements, Powers of Attorney and snow shovels.  This…