
Driving with a Booster Seat

When your last blog was really nice and emotional and heartwarming and then you have to write another one about…… something…. it sucks. I was going to try to not even bother writing anything until after Loops for the Troops, but that didn’t seem like the answer either. So, I will write about something totally silly and mostly meaningless to break it up a little.  If you want to read something good, you might want to just go back to this post. But if your still with me here, lets talk about small. Small can be a good or bad thing.  When you are trying to lose weight, smaller is the goal.  When it comes to diamonds, small doesn’t have quite the same appeal.  Small is relative. Well, my 3 children are small. Not small like young.  Small like “awe, he’s so cute, is he walking yet?” about your 3 year old.  Small like never hitting the bottom end of the 3rd percentile on the growth chart.  When I had my first, he was born average size.  Now, by average size I mean actually average, not Dutch-community where I live average, where ladies have 11lb babies without a hitch.  I mean 7.5lb average. But weeks went by and well, while he didn’t lose weight, he gained it very…..slowly.  After a couple of check-ups I was on daily weight monitoring with him,  We got sent to testing for Cystic Fibrosis and every other possible disorder that might cause stunted growth.  All turned out fine. They had us feed him solid foods early, and mix in high-fat milks, creams and even…