
When Mountains Fall

There are some things I don’t ever think about. Like when I get groceries then stop on my way home to run 500 other errands and forget about the groceries.  And forget (probably because where I live it’s below 0 so many frickin days of the year) that it’s warm out and the milk might not last.  And the frozen’s are no longer.  I am constantly forgetting that. But more importantly, I very rarely think through worse case scenarios. Last week a friend of ours got the news that a family member was hurt in an accident that paralyzed him from the chest down.  He is still in ICU, but not expected to ever walk or move his hands again. And I started thinking about what a TERRIBLE wife I would be if faced with something like that.  But I very quickly stopped thinking about it because, well, it’s kinda a crappy thing to think about.  So I focused on making them food (cause well, that’s what I do when I don’t know what to do).  Then this morning I opened my blogger to this post by the Unlikely Wife. And my heart stopped for a moment, like it does whenever I read something like that. She called it the “Second Worse Nightmare“. Twice in one week I was seeing someone facing the reality of their husband having suffered a catastrophic injury. And I wrote her something that offers her nothing, because really, what can you write that would ease any of her hurts right now?  Then I went about my day thinking – I might just be selfish enough that it would be my 1st…