
If only the bench did laundry…

I am not organized. In fact, I may be the opposite of organized. One of my blog-friends had posted this link to a cool way to organize jewelry (of which I have a ridiculous amount.  3 tours in the middle east really  increases your jewelry supply).  It was genius!  I was going to do it!  It would be amazing! I went to the store.  I got a vase from the dollar store and some stones for inside.  Then I couldn’t find any s hooks.  Then I broke the vase coming in the front door…… sigh.  I still haven’t found s hooks.  My necklaces are doomed to a life of tangled neglect. That pretty much sums up my organizational skills. So when I realized after the first day of school that I now have 3 kids in school, which means 3 backpacks, 3 lunch kits, 3 take-home folders, 3 agendas and 3 sets of classroom newsletters and field-trip forms and  teacher letters….. Well, I almost lost my mind. And in my head, I heard already “mom, where’s my agenda?  Did you sign it?  Where did you put it?  I need my field-trip permission signed today.  Where’s my hot lunch money?  Did you log my reading minutes?”  And so on.  And so forth. Until they’d be asking me these things from the telephone in between them and my cell at the forensic psych ward. Looking at their backpacks in the front entrance every day for the next 40-some weeks did not appeal to me.  We have a really small front closet and no…