
In a Sea of Yellow Ribbons

I have been struggling, writing, rewriting and scrapping posts on entitlement for weeks now. The fact that military families seemed to have moved passed ‘gratitude’ to ‘expectation’ kept stewing in my head and my heart, and while it’s there it’s been doing what makes me the most annoyed…  Making me take a good hard look at myself.   I wanted to write that I think maybe we need to apologise to the rest of the country. Stop with the hissy fits over who does or does not offer discounts. Stop the spoiled backlash about deals you didn’t qualify for or free items that you didn’t receive. Stop the ridiculous one-uppmanship and us-against-them attitude that seems to be seeping in against non-military families. Stop the slow take-over of entitled attitudes from various sectors of the Military community are doing nothing but making the community as a whole look bad. But instead I couldn’t seem to get my thoughts on paper, and so they sat and did nothing, like so many other useless blog posts that start as ideas that never become words. And I’ve learned, when that happens, it’s because I was trying to write about other people instead of writing about myself. Then this weekend came and went. Sunday was Remembrance Day. Hubby dressed all up in his DEU’s as he has done every year of his adult life that he has not been at war himself. The kids and I pinned on our Poppies and drove with him to a cenotaph. There were bagpipes, there were wreaths. We sang O Canada and God Save the Queen. We stood for a moment…