
Jesus Mugs for All!* (*for one winner)

It’s been a week. A week of melted microwaves and tax filing and job hunting and the kind of parenting that makes you feel like you are walking around with a big failure hat on. BUT, it was also my birthday on Monday! And I got myself a mug. I’ve had this mug before, then I gave it away when we moved.  But then I found one, sitting at a novelty shop all alone here in town, and I scooped it right up! Because yay! When it’s cold, Jesus Saves and He has coupons and scissors. When it’s hot, Jesus Shaves, His beard disappears and He has a razor. It’s a fabulous mug, and every time I look at it I smile a little. How could you NOT like this mug?  I just think it needs to be shared with the world.  So I found where it is sold online so I could give one away! For my birthday, I would like to brighten YOUR day! I’m GIVING AWAY a Jesus Mug to a reader as a Thank You for being awesome! Just tell me something that made you smile this week.  I could use some borrowed smiles!  Leave me a comment.  Maybe you saw an adorable and tenacious 3 legged kitten.  Or someone gave you a flower.  Or you found $5 in your pocket that you didn’t know you had.  What made your week a little sweeter? Use the little Rafflecopter thingy to let me know you did so they can be in charge of who won.  Cause otherwise it would be all up to me and I don’t want the pressure . Then…