
What I learned before 5am

So I have these friends… And lately, things kinda really a whole lot suck for them. I wish they were closer.  I could bring over chocolate and coffee and just BE their friend.  But  a while back they followed God’s call somewhere else.  It makes the suck that much…. suckier. (I should really invest in a thesaurus.) I was thinking about these friends while I was running this past week. Lately, I’ve been getting up really, really early to run.  I have no idea why the time change had the opposite effect on me than it should have, but I get up earlier than I ever did before. Last Friday, I was up before the clock hit 5. That’s right, my alarm was set to a time that started with a 4. How sick is that? But I need to get out and back before my hubby leaves for work.  And apparently I decided to start that habit the week DH had to be at work a little earlier than usual.  So to be home for him to leave at 6, I needed to be out the door before 5. It’s a different little town I live in before 5 a.m. Dead silent. Dark. But not the 8p.m. dark when it still feels like the light is lingering even though it’s long gone.  5am dark is even darker.  It’s the dark with the anticipation of the sunrise that’s still a couple hours away. I wanted to share with my friends what I have learned on these early morning runs.  And just for fun, lets share that with you, too. My big epiphany…

afflictions eclipsed by Glory

(If you read here, yesterday, feel free to skip this lengthy explanation.  Cause it’s the same.  Unless you would like to be astounded again today by my writing genius.  Your call…) Here’s the thing. I am lame.  I like to do lame things that make me feel good.  One of those things is do something nice for people randomly and out of the blue when I feel like they did something cool. If I was rich, I would love to be the kind of person who was like “You are awesome.  Here’s a new car.”  But I am not, so it usually looks like this “You are awesome.  Here’s a coffee/card/mug/baking”. It’s almost as good as a new car. And the truth is that it probably makes me more happy than the person(s) that I give it to, because for whatever reason it makes me all warm and fuzzy to point out to people that they rock.  So you can think I’m really nice, but I’m mostly still being a little selfish. I can spend a LOT of time focusing on why people suck.  And I think that our society is quick to write letters of complaint about employees who are incompetent or speak to the manager when we are mad about the service, but when do we ever do the opposite – speak up when someone does something great?  Hardly ever.  At least I don’t. So I TRY to go out of my way and tell people that they are amazing that day.  I say try because it was a conscious…